The lending library

Once a week the children at The Children’s House visit our lending library – a really special corner of our school! Our library has an excellent selection of books – in Greek and in English – each one carefully chosen as regards both content and illustrations.

A book can be taken home for one week, and the children gradually begin to understand the responsibility that comes with borrowing a book. The teacher who oversees the lending library explains to the children how a lending library works and she also shows them how to care for a book so that children will appreciate a book as something precious. She will tell them a story, talk to them about the new books that have arrived and give the children the time they need to choοse their book. Having made their choice, they will sign for the book that they are going to take home and will return the following week. Our aim is for children to discover that books can provide us with lots of interesting information and answers to our questions. But above all we want our children to begin to experience the joy of reading stories.