
“Educational Initiative” is a nonprofit organisation, founded in 2006 by a small group of parents.

These parents had a dream for their children – to create a school based on the Montessori approach to education, where each child would be able to develop freely, following the natural laws of development – a school where their children would grow day by day in independence, in self-confidence, in respect for themselves, their community and their environment.

However, it was not only the parents who had this dream. Together with the parents there was a committed team of trained teachers who created beautiful educational environments, based on the knowledge they had regarding the developmental needs and interests of the very young child.

In 2017 we took up temporary residence in Glyfada and in September 2021 we made our final move, to new, purpose-built premises in Ano Glyfada. The Montessori House of Glyfada offers daycare facilities for infants and young children from 5 months to 6 years of age, as well as after school activities for older children (6-12 years of age).