Afternoon Activities

We never forget our graduates and it also seems they never forget us! They know very well that they are always more than welcome at our school. Every year we have noticed that our young pupils return with joy and excitement to visit their old school, see their old teachers and explain to the younger children what exactly it is that goes on in “Big School”.

That is why in our new school we made sure that we set aside a special place just for our alumni. We created an “Afternoon School” where various activities reflecting the interests of children between 6-12 years of age will take place. Your children will be able to attend these sessions after school has finished.

These afternoon sessions will inevitably reflect the Montessori philosophy and all the principles that characterise our approach in the Montessori House of Glyfada. In an environment which has been especially prepared, children of mixed ages will work together in a spirit of mutual respect and creativity. All children will be encouraged to help one another, so that each may give of their best.

The Montessori Musical Ensemble
Singing and making music together
led by Philippia Rizopoulou

Δημιουργική κίνηση και έκφραση
με την Ευγενία Σιγαλού

Ελληνικοί παροδοσιακοί χοροί
με τον Πέτρο Μήτσου

Γνωρίζοντας τον Πολιτισμό μας
με την Πόπη Γεωργοπούλου

Παίζοντας Σκάκι
με τον Ανδρέα Λουμάκη